Friday, 20 January 2012

Let crying babies go home!

We were over at a friends house for dinner and drinks tonight.  Something that we do on a pretty regular basis. Delilah was down in one of the bedrooms and we were talking religion of all things.  The conversation was very stimulating.  We were discussing the bible, different churches, and our experiences with both.  Those conversations can be tricky.  Especially with friends who have differing opinions.  But tonight was not one of those nights.  It was just a conversation, not heated but passionate at times.

As we were in the middle of this conversation and another bottle of wine came out and the beer was flowing freely we heard that sound that all parents no as the potential end to their night.  The unmistakable cry of our baby.  And it wasn't the kind of cry that comes on gradually.  It was that cry that isn't even a spot on the horizon one second, but a black inky cloud raining down the next.

Jessi was up and in the room in a flash.  Re-inserting the pacifier and trying to calm Lilah down.  She gave it a few minutes, got LL sleeping and went to open the door.  Which, of course, immediately woke the little one back up and launched a fit of screaming.  I went in (Daddy to the rescue, naturally) and tried a few of the techniques that I have developed.  All with no success.  To be fair, she was quite for about three minutes at one point before vaulting back to full volume.

So we called it a night, gathered our things and came home.  A lovely night, regrettably cut a little short.

p.s. Lilah fell right asleep when we got home! Sometimes a baby just wants her own bed I guess.

1 comment:

Melissa B said...

Oh that's a bummer. Babies can be fickle like that. She sounds like a doll :)