Friday, 20 January 2012

Let crying babies go home!

We were over at a friends house for dinner and drinks tonight.  Something that we do on a pretty regular basis. Delilah was down in one of the bedrooms and we were talking religion of all things.  The conversation was very stimulating.  We were discussing the bible, different churches, and our experiences with both.  Those conversations can be tricky.  Especially with friends who have differing opinions.  But tonight was not one of those nights.  It was just a conversation, not heated but passionate at times.

As we were in the middle of this conversation and another bottle of wine came out and the beer was flowing freely we heard that sound that all parents no as the potential end to their night.  The unmistakable cry of our baby.  And it wasn't the kind of cry that comes on gradually.  It was that cry that isn't even a spot on the horizon one second, but a black inky cloud raining down the next.

Jessi was up and in the room in a flash.  Re-inserting the pacifier and trying to calm Lilah down.  She gave it a few minutes, got LL sleeping and went to open the door.  Which, of course, immediately woke the little one back up and launched a fit of screaming.  I went in (Daddy to the rescue, naturally) and tried a few of the techniques that I have developed.  All with no success.  To be fair, she was quite for about three minutes at one point before vaulting back to full volume.

So we called it a night, gathered our things and came home.  A lovely night, regrettably cut a little short.

p.s. Lilah fell right asleep when we got home! Sometimes a baby just wants her own bed I guess.

Court Papers Served

A friend of mine and I went over to the scumbag landlords house yesterday and tried to serve him, his wife, and their company papers.  We pulled up to the house and my buddy got out.  He went to the door and knocked.  I was parked so that I could see the screen door open, but wasn't able to see who was standing there.  I saw my buddy ask the man a couple of questions and gesture at the court summons.  Then a hand comes out of the void where the door should be, grabs the screen door and closes it.  My friend wasn't bothered.  He just patiently explained to the man for a few more seconds.  Then he looks at me in the car and starts to walk over.  I unbuckled my seatbelt because I was sure that he was going to ask me to get out.  But he opens the door and says "it's the wrong house."  I knew that it couldn't be, but my immediate reaction was that we needed to get outta there, get to the right house, while we had this momentum going and before one, or both, of us chickened out.

The man that was in the door finally poked his head out and gestured for my buddy to come back.  He said that we weren't at the wrong house and that he would take the papers.  Success!!!  Now I just have to build my case and wait for the day!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

First 30 Day challenge done

So this is the last post that I have to do to complete my first 30 day challenge.  I am proud of myself for getting through it.  I didn't do what I usually do, which is going way overboard in the beginning by doing a whole bunch of different challenges to the point where I fail from the sheer volume of activities that I am trying to add into my life.  Instead, I stuck with the two and was able to see them through only missing a couple of days.

I think that I will continue to write.  Maybe not everyday, but most days.  And probably not all on this blog.  I have two others that I use.  One is about running, which I will try to use to document my Yoga and weight loss, and the other is about projects.  So if you enjoy my writing take a look at those.

My next challenge involves getting up in the morning (I have decided to do the up at 630 and Yoga during the week challenge)  I might overlap a little and start writing my book in the middle somewhere.  I figure as long as I keep it to three challenges and they don't run concurrently, it will make a nice diversion half way through.  Something to make the first challenge feel like it is just a part of my routine.

So wish me luck!

Here are the links to my other two blogs:

Running -
Projects -

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Jessi is back in School, and Daddy-Daughter time

So Jessi started back into school this week.  I am proud of her for making that step.  I know that it isn't easy to transition back into doing for yourself after spending time so completely engrossed in doing for someone else.  But it is important for Jessi to remember that she is a person first and then a mother. She can not give what is necessary to Delilah, a strong female role model, well rounded and capable of taking on her life, without stepping away occasionally to accomplish those goals that do not include her family.  And school is something that doesn't have to take a lot of time away from either Mother or Daughter in order to grant great rewards.

And besides, it means I get more Daddy-daughter time.  I realized this afternoon, as Jessi was away, and I was trying to balance getting the court paperwork together for our security deposit dispute, that I do not have a lot of time with just Delilah and I.  I get the morning, when she sits patiently and watches me make coffee, then breakfast, and finally pack a lunch.  And at irregular intervals, I get an hour or two while Jessi runs to the store, or out for an hour or so of "girl time."  But it will be nice, for both her and I to have some time that is just ours.  A special time that is set aside for her and I to develop a relationship outside of our usual threesome. Designated Daddy-Daughter time.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Almost done

I am almost done with my first 30 day challenge.  Just a couple more days to go.  I have to say that parts of it worked and parts didn't.  I wanted to get up early in the morning, write in the blog, and have that morning time become my new routine.  That definitely didn't happen.  But, I didn't really identify that as the thing that I wanted to do.  I just said that I wanted to be "up before the sun and write in my blog everyday."  And for the most part I accomplished those two goals.  There were two days that I didn't remember to do the blog, and probably four days that I slept in.  So, with a few minor imperfections, i accomplished my goals.  But, that wasn't the idea going in.  The idea was to get up in the morning, before the rest of the house, and spend some Josh-time while sharing the experience over the internet.

All of this leads me to think that I need to have a more defined goal during my next 30 day challenge.  I need to realize what it is that I want to get out of it, and make that the goal.  Then I need to stick with it.  So, I think that I know what my next goal is going to be.  I thought that it was going to be to write a book in 30 days.  But, after writing in the blog everyday I would like a break from that.  And I currently weigh more than I have ever weighed.  I do not want my goal to be running everyday, although I would like to do that.  I don't want to end the 30 days and never want to run again.  And I am worried that in my current over-weight state, I might injure myself.  So I am tossing around the idea of waking up at 630 every morning and doing a Yoga dvd.  This would facilitate me being up in the morning, and it would jump start my day with a little exercise.  Not any exercise that will injure me, but something that I need to do.  And as I stretch, my  balance will become better, my muscles will elongate, my tendons will strengthen and I will be able to run injury-free.  I am not completely committed yet, after all, I have two days to decide.  And just like I always say, "If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute."

Monday, 16 January 2012

Watching Delilah

One of the greatest joys in life is watching your kid.  I know cause I just spent twenty minutes watching Delilah as she looks around the room.  A serious look on her face as though she were conducting some sort of inventory.  She looks around, eyes moving around the room until something catches her attention.  Then she focuses both her mind and her attention on whatever it was.  She does this for just a moment.  Just long enough that I can tell as I look in from the outside that she is making mental notes.  Occasionally she will try to push herself towards whatever has her attention.  She is still not strong enough in her legs to propel herself and the little standing contraption that she is in towards whatever it is that she is curious about, but it is fun to watch her try.  When she realizes that she isn't quite ready for locomotion she doesn't get upset or frustrated, she just takes a deep breath and lets it out as if to say, "I guess I will have to try again tomorrow."And her attention is off to the next thing.

She is getting to be so good with her hands.  She reaches for things, mostly toys and brightly colored objects with her whole body now.  And when she can't quite reach or see she will contort herself to get a better look or grasp.  She hasn't quite mastered rolling over yet.  She does it occassionally, and the first time she did it I thought that we were well on our way to the walking stage.  But she still only does it occasionally. Which is good in a way.  I love this stage, and I certainly don't wish her to stay a baby, but I realize that when she can start walking I will forever be worried about what she can get into.  From the kitchen cabinets to the wrong group of friends in highschool.  So for now I just watch her and learn from her, love her and try to encourage her growth.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Boys night in!

I am not sure where the idea came from, or how long it has been around, but I do love me a a girls night out.  Not that I like to spend time away from my wife.  On the contrary, I love a night out on the town.  But when the girls are away the boys will play...mostly video games.  I don't get a lot of time to play video games.  And I am terrible at them because I play them so seldolm.  But I do enjoy it.

So the girls went out for a night on the town.  One of our friends had to leave on a business trip for a couple of weeks.  So the girls got together for some drinks to let her forget her loneliness for a minute and the boys stayed in to watch the kids.  We broke out the deep fryer and video games and beer.  It was pretty fat boy.

And a whole lot of fun!

Back to the original plan

So the original plan for the 30 day challenge was to wake up early in the morning and write on this blog first thing.  Somewhere along the road, probably during the holidays, I started writing at night.  That makes it entirely too easy to forget.  And it isn't the point of the challenge.  The Challenge was to get me up early and to get to writing.  So this morning I am getting back on track.

Haha, I stopped writing this to finish watching the Colbert Report this morning and now I am finishing it super late at night.  At least I am finishing, huh?

Friday, 13 January 2012

I'm Beat

A full day of chores will do that to a person.  But I got to try my new leaf blower and hedge trimmer.  Jessi and I did some destruction on the front yard.  It really needed to be done.  There was a hydrangea that was out of control right at the front entryway.  It  had grown to the point that if you were approaching the house it was necessary to walk to the far left of the sidewalk.  We have wanted to get rid of that thing since we bought the house.  We also cut the lucky bamboo down to the point that we can see out of the kitchen window.

I used both the blow and the suck part of the leaf blower.  It was way cool to not have to pick up the leaves once they were in the pile.  And it is extra good to not have all the leaves around the mats on the way into the house from the backyard.

That's all I have the energy for tonight.

Skipped a day

Well, I missed yesterday too.  That is frustrating. Especially because during the early afternoon I thought "I should do my blog now" but decided against it. 
And then pizza and beer happened and ny the time it was time to go to bed I was not thinking about it at all.  bit the pizza was good and the beer was a little too good! I saw my bosses wife out at the pizza place.  And she is so sweet and amiable that it was not in the least bit awkward.
I got all of the stuff that I need to finish the garage shelfs.  I am super excited about that. And I got some new yard working tools.  I got a leaf blower and some hedge trimmers.  I went with the plug in models cause this yard is pretty small, I don't like gas tools (it is too much to have to get gas and keep refilling them and the two cycle oil and all that) and I have tried the battery operated ones and they lack the power and the stamina to get anything done in the yard.
So for today...chores here I come!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Beginning of a long weekend

I was able to get all of my work done this week.  Which was basically just waiting for other people to do their work and so that I could make sure it was all done correctly. So now, after a 10 day work-week I get two free days off.  I am very excited about that!  I love long weekends!  Thats all I've got for today!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The biggest Poo in the world

So I thought that I would be a nice husband and let Jessi sleep for a few extra minutes this morning while I kept an eye on Delilah.  So we got up and had a nice little Father-Daughter time.  I changed her and we went into the kitchen for some coffee (for her, I don't touch the stuff).  I put her in her little seat on the counter and made my coffee.

Last night I had made some soup and we got some really good bread from the grocery store.  I decided that I would cut some up and make it into French Toast for breakfast.  I got all of the stuff ready and made some delicious french toast with eggs, spices, and heavy whipping cream.  It turned out pretty great and I will definitely remember that for the next time that we have that type of bread in the house.

About half-way through the cooking process, I hear Delilah starting to grunt a little bit.  I didn't think anything of it cause she doesn't really like the chair that she has to sit in on the counter.  I figured she was just fussing a little cause she didn't want to sit in that chair anymore.  Well, normally a little fussing turns into a wale within about three minutes.  This morning, I noticed that she didn't seem to be escalating at all. Just grunting away.  I looked over and she was a little red in the face and had a kind of concentrated look to her that I hadn't really seen before.  I recognized it for what it was and asked her if she was pushing one out.  Being a four month old, she didn't respond.

I finished my breakfast and thought that I would change her really quick before I got Jessi up.  When I took off the diaper there was just the littlest bit of poo in the bottom.  I thought that was strange for all the grunting that she had been doing until I lifted her legs to get the diaper out from underneath her.  That is when I saw it.  There was a load of poo that shot out the back of her diaper and about two thirds of the way up her back.  And there were piles of it...I mean piles.  I tried unsuccessfully to get her out of her clothes without smearing myself, her, and the changing table for about five minutes before I realized that it was a useless effort and that I would just have to accept my foul-smelling fate.  I finally got her down to her birthday suit, filled up her little bath and got her, and myself all cleaned up about fifteen minutes after I had to leave for work.  Then I had to do that task that only a parent can do.  I used to wonder how Mom's and Dad's could put up with some of the disgusting things that kids do.  Now I know.  They break you in little by little.  A little spit-up here, some drool there, and they slowly build the intensity until you have shit up to your elbows and you are washing it off of everything that was within a ten foot radius of you.  And somehow, through some miracle that is older, stronger, and longer lasting than anything man has ever or will ever create, you are happy to do it!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Lunch with Delilah

Jessi started going to spin class.  It is one of the exercise programs that she really enjoys.  I am less of a fan of spin class and would much rather go for a run.  But I am glad that she started.  For a couple of reasons.  Number one, I think that physical activity is imperative to living a healthy life and to managing stress.  Number two, I get to see Delilah during the day.

We had a really nice lunch date.  She had already eaten so I went to a drive through and got myself a little something.  Then we drove around a little, filled up the car, and went to the library.  Delilah was really good in the library. It didn't even occur to me that a library is no place for an infant, until we had been in there about twenty minutes and she started to fuss.  I am used to hearing her fuss.  And I am used to hearing her fuss when there is silence around, as I do not usually have any kind of background noise going when I am at home with her.  But it is something entirely different when she fusses in a room where everyone is silent or talking in whispers.  The first noise that she made was almost deafening, and it was just a little teeny whine.  I quickly grabbed one of the books that I had been looking at and took her up to the front.

The lady at the counter did what a lot of people do when I am walking around with Delilah.  She told me when her first grandchild is due.  We talked about it for a minute and then a gentleman who worked there saw Delilah and started telling me about his daughter turning sixteen and learning how to drive.  He let his head hang down in consternation as he told the story of her getting her license.  It was proof positive of my post last night, that children are the great unifier.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Kids Birthday Parties

Tonight a friend of ours kid turned one year old.  I realized as I was at the party, with a bunch of other families and a whole bunch of kids, how children bring people in our state of life together.  This wasn't the first time that I have realized this, but it was one of the most obvious to me.  There were a bunch of parents that I didn't know very well.  All different ages, some who looked to be in their early twenties to a couple that could easily be in there early forties.  All with different jobs, different styles, different appearances, but they can all get together and talk about the thing that they all have in common.  Kids.

Kids seem to be the great unifier.  I have had conversations with people that I would never have thought that I would talk to or connect to on any level.  And  all of a sudden I can sit and talk to them for hours about the silliest little thing.  I remember hearing these types of conversations before, and they always seemed so strange to me.  But now I get it.

And I can play with kids now.  Before, I never would have gotten on the ground and played with a child that wasn't related to me, or wasn't part of a friends family.  I always kind of thought in the back of my mind that I had more important discussions to have, or more grown up activities to participate in.  But now I realize that I couldn't have anything more important going on than giving my attention to a child for a few moments.  And the awesome thing about kids is, they only want my attention for a few moments, then it is off to the next thing.  But allowing myself to connect with them, if only for a moment, really grounds me and puts my big old grown-up life into perspective.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Skirt Burgers and Paper Football

Joel and Lainie had us over for skirt burgers tonight.  If you have never had one of these heart-stopping food oddities I would definitely recommend it...once a year.  More than that and I think that there is a good chance that your heart will actually stop.  It is a fat burger.  Maybe a half a pound burger, that you put a pile of cheese on top of and throw it on a hot griddle with some ice, or ice water, I am not really sure.  But this is where the name becomes clear because the cheese melts down the burger, out on the grill and forms a kind of hardened cheese skirt around the bottom of the burger.

We followed that up with some of the weirdest beer that I have ever had.  It was chili flavored.  As in, hot chili pepper flavored.  I couldn't really taste the beer because the spice was so strong. The first taste that I had I swallowed the way that I swallow every time I am trying a new beer.  I take in a mouthful making sure that the beer touches my whole tongue and swallow quickly.  My chest and throat were immediately on fire.  I finished it, but it took some doing.

Then we played paper football.  It is a lot of fun.  But it is super dull to watch.  Here is a video to prove how dull it is to watch.

It was a fun night with good friends.  And we get to do another one tomorrow night!  We sure are lucky to have such a great group of people in our lives.

Forgot to post

I can't believe I forgot to post last night. I have no excuse. I just didn't think about it.  I guess that is why it is called a challenge, huh?

Yesterday was a good day. We went to eat at an all you can eat sushi restaurant in Marysville. I was shocked because it was pretty good. The atmosphere was pretty awesome. It was a hybrid restaurant with a hibachi section, a sushi section, and a chinese food section.  We were seated in the sushi section right next to a koo pond that Kristen loved to put her hands into. The koo would come up and nibble on her fingers. She got so excited. It was very cute!  Then we went back to the house and played taboo.  I haven't played that game in a long time. It was a lot harder than I remember. 

Tonight is dinner with the Douglases.  That should be fun

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Dinner with the Suz

We went down to Sacramento to have dinner with Suzy tonight.  It was really nice.  We had pan-fried chicken, mashed sweet potatoes and kale.  It was a lovely little dinner.  And relatively healthy.

I love spending time with Suzy. The conversation is always seamless and we can easily jump from talking about a book we read to discussing a recipe to just plain gossip and back without skipping a beat.  I tried to get her to commit to a 30 day challenge. Because I am really excited about it and love to get others involved in the stuff that I like.  When we left she was pretty sure that she was going to do 30 days of waking up early enough to work out in the morning before work. I think that would be awesome.  I think that she is an amazing woman.

I got the strange sensation of cooking with Delilah on my hip.  Not something that I do often, cause I usually put her in some sort of chair on the counter while I cook.  But it was fun and a little nerve wracking to have her there. It just seems like she is so close to the fire!  But she did awesome, and all I really did was stir the kale a little bit.

I am incredibly sore after my run yesterday.  I got up this morning and did some yoga hoping to stave off some of the pain, but by the end of today I am hurting pretty bad.  I will try again tomorrow with the yoga...assuming that I can get up early enough.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Nothing much to say today

I really don't have much to say.  So I will do what my English teachers used to call free-writing.

I went for a run today.  The interesting thing about this particular run was that it wasn't my heart or my lungs that felt like they weren't going to make it.  Which is what I was expecting after I have punished them so heartily during this holiday season. From too much drink and smoke to too much fried food, I thought for sure that the heart and lungs would be screaming.  But on this run it was my low back that gave up the game to early.  I wasn't even over the first hill when the small of my back started burning just a little bit.  By the one mile mark it was a constant glow, and by the end of two miles I thought that I might have to stop and do some stretching.  I didn't though.  I kept it going until just about two and three-quarters miles. It felt good to be out there on the road.  Even if I was moving at a snails pace, it was good to get started.  I would like to try to knock out three miles a couple of times a week.

I am having a little trouble getting back into the swing of work.  I am getting all of the important stuff done, but when it comes to any of the extra stuff that I usually use to fill in the gaps in my day, I just can't seem to get motivated.  I realize that it is probably coming off of vacation and that I just need to power through.  After all, I do all those little things to keep myself from going absolutely bat-shit crazy, or becoming clinically depressed.  So I should probably continue to do them.

I need to come up with a way for my income to be more passive.  I don't like having to go to work, so I need to come up with a way that I can make money more passively.  I am sick of actively pursuing work as a means to my ends.  I have thought and thought and the only thing that I can come up with, that I think might actually be workable is royalties off of a book.  I am kind of in the perfect position to take up writing. I have a job that requires pretty little of me in the way of mental strength.  i should use the little bit of brain power that I have to write a book and then live off of the royalties, right?  Maybe the next 30 day challenge will be to write a novel. 50,000 words divides into 30 1666 times.  So all I have to do is write 1666 words a night and I will be there.  Maybe that will be one of my goals.  How many words is this? just so that I have a basis.  Wow, this is 500 words.  So I only have to write three times this amount per night in order to finish my novel in 30 days.  i feel like that is totally doable.  Huh?!  We'll see!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Back to work

So I have a bit of a problem at work.  I may have to go to Texas for a couple of months...and I may not.  If I don't, I can expect to be promoted in six to twelve months.  If I do have to go to Texas, I can expect to get promoted 3 years from the time I get back from Texas.  All of this hinges on a decision that has been made and re-made for the last three months or so.  But it has been talked about for years.  We will say that if I have to go to Texas, that is decision A.  If I don't have to go, that is called decision B.

The last that I heard the decision was about to be re-made in favor of decision A.  But the last official word was in favor of decision B.  When that official word came down.  I thought that the best thing for me to do was jump on the first trip that I could in order to shorten the time till I get promoted.

Well, now there is the possibility that I will go to Texas and half way through they will decide the other direction and...this whole thing makes my head hurt.

I guess if you boil it down to the bottom line it is this.  I might have to leave my wife and daughter for several months, or I might not have to.  I might need to do it even if I don't have to right away to ensure that my career can advance.  But all of these "might"s are going to turn into decisions very shortly and I need to make a decision.  Unfortunately, that is one of my shortcomings.  Let's hope I make the right one.

Monday, 2 January 2012

The Last Day of Vacation

I have a love/hate relationship with the last day of vacation.  On one hand I am excited that I get one more day, but I always think about the fact that I have to leave Jessi and Delilah the next day.  So I try to really enjoy the day.  I don't think that I change my behavior at all.  I don't try to breathe in Delilah's hair any more than usual, or tell Jessi that I love her any more than usual. But I take a kind of secret joy in the moments.  Especially the ones that are just part of a regular day.  Cause that is the stuff that I get so little of during the work week.  I am only home and awake for about five hours, Delilah is only up for two of those, and Jessi and I both have chores that we have to get done.  Whether it is dinner, or shopping, or cleaning something always has to be done.  The days during the week always seem to fly by with too little time with the family.  So I take a special kind of happiness in being there just feeling there presence, hearing their breath, or listening to them talk (or babble in Delilah's case).

The other part that I am always trying to ignore is the nagging thoughts about work.  Thoughts like what I have to do, who I have to do it with.  And all of the unknowns that are waiting for me there.  I push these thoughts back because I know that they don't do me any good.  I will deal with the day tomorrow when it is tomorrow.

For now, I just love up on my family and hope the time clicks by slowly.

P.S.  I went through and organized my photos today.  Here is one from our I got from our vacation. A little girl came up to Delilah and gave her that flower. It was crazy cute!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

A lazy New Years Day

Nothing makes me feel lazier then being lazy all day.  And today I have definitely been lazy all day.  I think that I had a food hangover.  Last night we experimented with the deep fryer that I got for Christmas.  We made home-made taco shells, oreos, kudos bars, pizza rolls, pot-stickers, white-chocolate santas all deep fried.  I hurt really bad today.  We were drinking too, which I am sure didn't help.

We rang in the New Year with Dick Clarks Rockin Eve.  It was a lot of fun.  We played Steele Reserve.  Which is a game that we created while we were camping last summer.  We were at the lake and it was too cold to go swimming or kayaking and I bought some Steele Reserve.  We had a cup and some quarters so we dug a couple holes and played a drinking game that involved throwing the quarters at the cup.  For a while we were calling it quarter-cup, but the inspiration was really the Steele Reserve so when our buddy made the official board we re-named it Steele Reserved.

All in all it was a fine and fattening send off to 2011.  And it was the perfect end that made it all the easier to start into a health kick.  Me, my stomach and my liver are very ready for that!