Tuesday, 20 December 2011

So, I was stumbling through the internet last night and I came across something that really struck a chord with me.  I have been wanting to make some changes in my life with the arrival of my daughter and the fact that I am a little bit miserable at work right now.  I have been changing the work stuff.  But I know that I am not the person that I envisioned when I was a younger man.  And I have been contemplating making a lot of changes in my life to become the person that I was so sure I would eventually just become.  The "something" that I found was this TED talk.

And so I have decide to try it.  This way I can commit to a change for 30 days.  And if, at the end of it.  I absolutely hate it.  I can always change back.  My first commitment is to get up before the sun.  Which happens to work out because I couldn't sleep last night being so excited to start a 30 day challenge.  And because it is winter I can still sleep in a little bit! The second will be to write in this blog.  We will have to see how it goes.  But for my part...I am committed...in the short term!

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